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來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-10-01 03:40:34 關注: 0 次
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Today, the small editor of the potassium hydroxide factory will tell us about the effect of potassium hydroxide.
1. Used as desiccant, absorbent, oxalic acid and various potassium salts, also used in electroplating, carving, lithography, etc.
2. Mainly used as materials for potassium production, such as potassium permanganate, potassium carbonate, etc. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used to produce potassium borohydride, spironolactone, salbutamol, testosterone propionate and so on. It is used in light industry to produce potassium sauce, alkaline batteries, cosmetics (such as cold cream, snow cream and shampoo). In the dyestuff industry, it is used to produce VAT dyes, such as reductive blue RSN. In electrochemical industry, it is used for electroplating, carving, etc. In the textile industry, it is used for printing, dyeing, bleaching and mercerizing, and is widely used as the main material for making man-made fibers and polyester fibers. In addition, it is also used in metallurgical heater and leather degreasing.
3. Chemical basic materials, used in medicine, daily chemical industry and so on.

4. Used as analytical reagent, saponification reagent, absorbent of carbon dioxide and water.
5. The daily chemical industry is used as the material for making toilet sauce, shampoo soap, snow cream, cold cream, shampoo, etc. Pharmaceutical industry is used to produce progesterone, vanillin and other materials. The dyestuff industry is used to make melamine dyes. The battery industry is used to make alkaline batteries.
What effect does potassium hydroxide have on skin
It has roasting effect on arrangement, soluble protein and constitutes alkaline denatured protein. Solution or dust splashed on the skin, especially on the mucosa, can produce scab. The higher the concentration of solution, the higher the temperature, the stronger the effect. Splashing into the eye can not only damage the cornea, but also cause deep damage to the eye.
Above information is our Potassium hydroxide collation and publication hope to help you with our website is: http://sihu74.com!


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