


全國服務熱線 15003810456


來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-10-15 02:40:34 關注: 0 次
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  Potassium hydroxide is widely used in our daily life, production and use, but do you know it is a way to improve the humid environment? Let me introduce it to you.
  Because of its chemical properties, potassium hydroxide is mainly used to make moisture-proof agent. Through our experiments, it is found that if stored in a humid and dark place, after a long period of time, it will gradually change from dry to wet, and the humidity of the whole room will also be reduced to a certain extent, indicating that the humid environment has been effectively improved. It combines with water to release high temperature, but a small amount of it combines with water to increase its volatilization and release water into the air, which is the main reason why we use it to make moisture-proof agent.
  In addition, its alkalinity is much weaker than soda and caustic soda, and it can be spread to the items that need moisture-proof, which not only plays the role of moisture-proof, but also has no impact on the quality of the items. However, it is not recommended to use it in large areas, where there is water all year round. If water is not proportional to it, it will not play a relevant role and will affect the surrounding environment.
  The above is a summary of the methods for potassium hydroxide to improve the humid environment. I believe you have done some research. I hope you can learn to put it into practice so that the product can play a better role.


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