


全國服務熱線 15003810456


來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-10-18 20:40:34 關注: 0 次
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  Potassium hydroxide is a white flake solid, also known as caustic potassium, caustic soda, potassium ash. Potassium hydroxide is very soluble in water. There are two kinds of properties of potassium hydroxide, one is physical property, the other is chemical property.
  According to the characteristics of potassium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide can be used as desiccant, adsorbent, oxalic acid and various potassium salts, as well as electroplating, engraving and photolithography; as raw materials for the production of potassium carbonate; in the pharmaceutical industry, it can be used for the production of potassium, boron, hydrogen, antipyretic agent, etc. In light industry, it is used to produce potassium soap, alkaline battery and cosmetics; in dye industry, it is used to produce vat dye; in electrochemical industry, it is used to electroplate, carve, etc. In the textile industry, it is used for printing, dyeing, bleaching and mercerizing, with a large number of man-made fibers and polyester fibers as the main raw materials. In addition, it can also be used for metallurgical heating agent and leather degreasing.
  In light industry, it is used to produce potassium soap, alkaline battery and cosmetics; in dye industry, it is used to produce vat dye; in electrochemical industry, it is used to electroplate, carve, etc. In the textile industry, it is used for printing, dyeing, bleaching and mercerizing, with a large number of man-made fibers and polyester fibers as the main raw materials. In addition, it can also be used for metallurgical heating agent and leather degreasing.
  Attention website: http: / /: www.jinhao360.com, we will keep updating for you.


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