


全國服務(wù)熱線 15003810456


來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-10-19 09:10:34 關(guān)注: 0 次
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  It is well known that potassium hydroxide is highly corrosive, and its chemical properties are similar to those of caustic soda, which can cause burns. After inhalation, it can strongly stimulate the respiratory tract or cause burns. Direct contact of skin and eyes can cause burns; oral burn of digestive tract can cause death. But what materials can corrode besides corrosiveness to human skin.
  First of all, we can exclude the materials that cannot be corroded by potassium hydroxide solution. According to Hg / t20667-1990, the tank of potassium hydroxide should be lined with rubber, so it will not corrode these materials, such as natural hard rubber, natural soft rubber, styrene butadiene rubber, neoprene, butyl rubber, etc;
  Secondly, according to the relative data, potassium hydroxide will react with aluminum, and the reaction formula is as follows:
  Such as reaction with aluminum: 2Al + 2koh + 2H2O = 2kalo2 + 3h2 ↑
  Such as reaction with alumina: Al2O3 + 2koh = 2kalo2 + H2O
  Therefore, the potassium hydroxide solution should not use these materials in storage and distribution, and should be stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat. The humidity in the warehouse should be no more than 85%. The package must be sealed from moisture. It shall be stored separately from inflammable (inflammable) substances and acids, and mixed storage shall be avoided. The storage area shall be equipped with appropriate materials to contain the leakage.


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