


全國服務(wù)熱線 15003810456


來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-10-21 02:50:34 關(guān)注: 0 次
標(biāo)簽: , , ,

Potassium hydroxide generally needs to be used to transport the materials by the conveyor. There is also the need to use the conveyor for the transportation of products when packaging. However, some large blocks may be mixed into the transported materials, so what should be done to avoid the blockage of the conveyor.

Before we try to avoid the blockage of the conveyor, we first need to understand some situations that may lead to blockage. For example, if the operation is not carried out in accordance with the correct method, it may lead to blockage. In addition, if the conveying material is too large to cause the equipment to run under load, the equipment may be blocked when it can no longer bear it Therefore, under normal conditions, it is only necessary to control the conveying potassium hydroxide under normal conditions, which will not cause blockage. However, it is also necessary to avoid equipment idling and no material for conveying, because in this case, although it will not lead to blockage, it will directly cause serious damage to equipment bearings.
Potassium hydroxide
In fact, it is very important to control the transportation of added materials when using. But in fact, we all know that the measurement is difficult to control if we add it manually, so in this case, we can choose to install a feeder to adjust the added metering.
What is described above is how to avoid blockage of the conveyor, because if a certain part of the conveyor is jammed, it will hinder the whole process.


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