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來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-10-21 15:20:34 關注: 0 次
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In fact, we are usually exposed to potassium hydroxide which is not 100% pure, many products in use are generally based on their own use needs to choose the appropriate concentration for use, so what is the difference in the use of different concentrations.
1. In fact, there is no big difference in the use itself. As long as sufficient dosage is added to use, the effect is poor. The reason why there are some differences in the use is because the neutralization degree of fatty acids is different when using In fact, we can see that the solubility of potassium hydroxide in water is generally limited, so that the fatty acids generated after neutralization can not be neutralized.

Potassium hydroxide
2. What's more, the specific level of concentration used is also closely related to different processes, so in fact, when using different concentrations, other substances in the substance may have some impact, but in fact, the impact of this part is actually relatively small, but there are many When we make soap, we will find that there may be some problems because of the insufficient concentration. But in fact, this part of the problem is that the calculation of the concentration is not accurate enough, as long as we determine the concentration and then have a suitable dose for treatment.
In fact, after the introduction, we also learned that when using different concentrations of potassium hydroxide, there are some specific differences when using them. The reason why all kinds of concentrations sold on the market are different is because their manufacturing processes are different. In addition, the concentration requirements of some used in industry are often more More strictly.


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