


全國服務熱線 15003810456


來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-10-24 01:40:34 關注: 0 次
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  Potassium hydroxide is a kind of white powder or flake which absorbs moisture in air and deliquescence, and absorbs carbon dioxide to form potassium carbonate. Mainly used in industry as desiccant, absorbent, oxalic acid and various potassium salts, also used in electroplating, sculpture, lithography and so on. But do we know what emergency measures are in case of leaks? Now let's give us a detailed explanation.
  1. Emergency personnel should wear anti-seepage acid-alkali protective clothing, anti-seepage acid-alkali latex gloves and anti-chemical boot ratio to prevent damage to themselves.
  2. Processing personnel should try not to touch the excrement, prevent material touch, prevent inhalation of steam or smoke, and admit that there is fresh air supply in the closed space. If you inhale carelessly, you should move to the fresh air and keep your breathing smooth. If the skin touches carelessly, it should be washed with clean water for at least 15 minutes. If there is burns, the patient should be treated immediately. The eyelids should be lifted immediately after touching the eyes, washed with saline for more than 15 minutes and consulted the doctor.

  3. A small amount of leakage: Use clean shovels to collect in dry, clean, covered containers. It can also be washed with a lot of water, diluted and put into the wastewater system; many leaks: contact fire protection, emergency treatment units and suppliers for help. Clean up affected areas according to chemical waste disposal.
  4. Blocking the leakage of potassium hydroxide into the polluted area, restraining revenue and expenditure, and preventing further damage.
  We have learned about the above emergency measures for the leakage of potassium hydroxide, and trust that we all have to learn. In addition, when storing, we should pay attention to prevent touching the humid air, and pay attention to the sealing of its packaging. We should store it in a cool, dry and well ventilated warehouse. For more information, please keep an eye o


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