


全國服務熱線 15003810456


來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-10-24 22:30:34 關注: 0 次
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  Potassium hydroxide is a white powder or flake solid with strong alkalinity and corrosiveness. It is soluble in water, ethanol and slightly soluble in ether. It is easy to absorb water in the air and deliquesce. It absorbs carbon dioxide and becomes potassium carbonate. When it is dissolved in water, alcohol or treated with acid, it will generate a lot of heat. But how much do you know about its deliquescence? Let's talk about it in detail.
  Deliquescence: when potassium hydroxide is exposed to air, it is easy to absorb carbon dioxide and water, and gradually becomes potassium carbonate. It is easy to dissolve in water, release a lot of heat of dissolution when dissolving, and has strong water absorption. It can absorb water and dissolve in the air, and absorb carbon dioxide and gradually become potassium carbonate. Soluble in ethanol, slightly soluble in ether. It has strong alkalinity and corrosiveness, and its properties are similar to caustic soda. Can cause burns, easy to absorb moisture and CO2 in the air.
  The above is a brief introduction to the deliquescence of potassium hydroxide. I hope you all have some learning. In addition, when you use it, you must pay attention to avoid harm to yourself. If you want to learn more information, please continue to pay attention to us.


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