


全國服務(wù)熱線 15003810456


來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-10-28 16:05:34 關(guān)注: 0 次
標(biāo)簽: , , ,

Potassium hydroxide chemical formula: Koh, soluble in water and ethanol, when dissolved, it will emit a lot of heat, with strong alkaline and corrosive, when it is exposed to the air, it is very easy to absorb water in the air and deliquescence, or absorb carbon dioxide in the air to generate potassium carbonate.
The main use of potassium hydroxide ethanol solution is generally used for the elimination reaction of halogenated hydrocarbons. The definition of elimination reaction is: under certain conditions, organic compounds remove a small molecule from a molecule and generate unsaturated compounds. In chemical experiments, potassium hydroxide ethanol solution is used for halogenated hydrocarbon elimination reaction instead of aqueous solution because ethanol can dissolve bromoethane fully, while potassium hydroxide aqueous solution reaction will proceed in the direction of hydrolysis. The chemical formula of the elimination reaction is as follows:
Potassium hydroxide has strong corrosion, which will strongly stimulate the respiratory tract after inhalation, causing burns. Direct contact with skin and eyes can cause burns. Oral burning of digestive tract can cause death. Therefore, in the use or configuration of potassium hydroxide solution need to be careful operation, if necessary, wear corresponding more armor to prevent damage.


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