


全國服務(wù)熱線 15003810456


來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-10-30 01:25:34 關(guān)注: 0 次
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Potassium hydroxide is a chemical reagent often used in our industry. In the process of use, we found that it has the function of bleaching and disinfection. In the production process, the sewage equipment of the enterprise can also be upgraded and purified. There are many applications for hydrogen peroxide bleaching in our life. It is a reagent with relatively low price. So the two are more expensive, Which material has better properties?
Hydrogen peroxide is widely used. In our life, we can use hydrogen peroxide in bleaching treatment. We bleach cotton fabrics in the textile industry and conduct hair color treatment for dyed clothes. These are all technical improvements.

However, the irreplaceable industrial potassium hydroxide in industrial production is also widely used in many fields such as medicine, chemical industry and military, and can also be used as a bleaching disinfectant. This product has formed a cohesion in the market, and it always maintains an advantage in the competition with similar products.
In the current era of economic development and technological innovation and change. Therefore, the use of potassium hydroxide is obviously higher than that of hydrogen peroxide, the application range is obviously more than that of hydrogen peroxide, and the performance is more advantageous than that of hydrogen peroxide. It has due value and development advantages in the modern era of continuous development and reform of economy, industry and technology.


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