


全國(guó)服務(wù)熱線 15003810456


來(lái)源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-11-02 17:28:54 關(guān)注: 0 次
標(biāo)簽: , , ,

The appearance of potassium hydroxide is white flake or powder, with strong corrosivity and strong alkalinity. The appearance of potassium hydroxide solution is colorless and transparent. When potassium hydroxide is exposed to the air, it is easily deliquescent by water in the air and absorbs carbon dioxide to form potassium carbonate. When potassium hydroxide is easily soluble in water, ethanol or acid, it will release a lot of heat. The chemical formula of potassium hydroxide solution is Koh, the molecular weight is 56.1, the boiling point is 1324 ℃, the melting point is 360.4 ℃, and the relative density (water = 1) is 2.04. The pH of 0.1mol/l solution is 13.5.
Potassium hydroxide is mainly used as desiccant and absorbent. It is also used for electroplating, engraving, lithography, etc. In the textile industry, it is used for printing and dyeing and bleaching, and is widely used as the main raw material for manufacturing man-made fiber and polyester fiber.
Sodium hydroxide, commonly known as flake alkali, is a white translucent solid with strong corrosivity. When sodium hydroxide is dissolved in water, it will form an alkaline solution. Its aqueous solution has no water absorption, but can react with acid and release heat, which may produce toxic smoke. The relative density of sodium hydroxide is 2.130; Melting point 318.4 ℃; Boiling point 1390 ℃. The quality standards of sodium hydroxide are 99 flakes of alkali and 96 flakes of alkali respectively.
Sodium hydroxide is widely used in light textile industry such as viscose fiber, rayon and cotton fabric, pesticide, dye, rubber and chemical industry, oil drilling, petroleum oil refining and tar refining.
Potassium hydroxide solution is more hygroscopic than sodium hydroxide, so potassium hydroxide is often used as desiccant.


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