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來(lái)源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-11-03 12:55:34 關(guān)注: 0 次
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  Potassium hydroxide is a detergent commonly used for rinse-washing in ancient Textile industry of China. In ancient people, the solid calcined shell (main component is CaCO3) can be prepared by interacting with plant ash (main component is K2CO3) in water. Can potassium hydroxide be used as a detergent? That's a good way to look at it!
  Because raw materials have reacted with fat to generate fatty acids to play a cleaning effect, there is no need to worry about skin damage as long as the amount of the raw materials is appropriate.
  Currently on the market to sell a lot of detergent or scour of generally contain chemicals are more, so after long time is can cause some damage to our hand, so now using potassium hydroxide instead of detergent to use if you have good cleaning effect, and opponent of damage is relatively small, However, no matter what we use is the cleaning agent of what nature, after cleaning, we should give the hand daub to protect the effect of hand cream.

  There are some people in the use of cleaning agent can get a summary of some of the chemicals produce allergic phenomenon, if the use of pure alkali is don't need to worry about will produce allergic phenomenon, but in the use of the dosage of the need to reduce the use, this is because the skin allergy crowd itself is relatively weak, what is a good product is the need to control whether to use
  Note that when used, it can play a very good cleaning effect and will not cause harm to our hands. However, we need to pay attention to the use of it because it is still an alkaline substance, so we must control the dosage when using it.
  Can potassium hydroxide be used as a detergent? So yes, but there are a few things to be aware of in terms of how much you use. Come to our website http://sihu74.com for more information!


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