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來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-11-08 09:35:34 關(guān)注: 0 次
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The use of potassium hydroxide is mostly used in the chemical industry and industrial production. Many people will have questions when using this substance. Will different amounts of this substance have an impact on the use? The following article will explain it in detail for you. Let's have a look.
1. There is no difference. The reason why you neutralize with 90% and 95% potassium hydroxide is that the difference is caused by the different neutralization degree of fatty acids. Soap has an obvious feature (potassium soap or sodium soap) that its solubility in water is not very good. When you neutralize to a certain degree, the fatty acid salt formed will be separated out to wrap some fatty acids, making it unable to continue neutralization, which leads to the different physical state of the system.
2. As for how much concentration is used, it's a question of the manufacturing process; If the saponification fails to meet the standard, I can also understand it as insufficient power and insufficient awesome for neutralization and homogenization. If it's sticky, you can use less water. Of course, it will be a little sticky. You can add another water if you want to add water. You completely adjust the concentration and formula dosage according to your own needs, and it is fatty acid potassium that plays a role. In addition, this effect is far worse than the carbon chain distribution of fatty acids.
3. We used 32% or 50% alkali to make soap base in the laboratory. We made C1618 soap slurry, which is sticky for powder spraying.
4. Design the formula well, test it strictly according to the formula, and sometimes adjust it according to the equipment conditions. The effect will be better. There is no need to stick to things that are essentially indistinguishable.
Through the content explained in the article, you can generally understand that in the use of this potassium hydroxide, different contents of substances will not have an impact on the use. I hope the content explained in the article will be helpful to you, and there will not be so many doubts in the future operation and use. Follow our website http://sihu74.com Learn more.


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