


全國服務熱線 15003810456


來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-09-29 11:40:34 關注: 0 次
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  We all know that potassium hydroxide is a chemical which plays an important role in industry and other fields. At the same time, it can also be used as a cleaning agent to clean grease scale. The effect is remarkable. Next, we will understand the effect of potassium hydroxide on the physical properties of concrete.
  1. Anti-doping property. The impermeability label of concrete with potassium hydroxide is higher than that of concrete without additive.
  2. Creep of concrete. The creep degree of concrete mixed with potassium hydroxide is smaller than that of concrete without admixture, and the creep coefficient is also smaller. Therefore, the necessary properties can be retained when used in pre-stressed concrete.
  3. Other properties, such as carbonation and corrosion of concrete with potassium hydroxide, have been reported experimentally. Generally, no adverse effects were found under normal use.
  4. Dry shrinkage of concrete. When the concrete with potassium hydroxide is cured at room temperature, the shrinkage of the concrete with potassium hydroxide is slightly larger in the first two months and smaller than that without potassium hydroxide after three months.
  5. Freeze-thaw resistance. The concrete with potassium hydroxide has larger bulk density than that without adding time, which indicates that it has better compactness and freeze-thaw resistance.
  The above five points are the effect of potassium hydroxide on the physical properties of concrete. In addition, potassium hydroxide has the ability to induce moisture, which can absorb moisture and agglomerate in wet and rainy weather.
  The above content is organized and published by potassium hydroxide manufacturers. More related content can be consulted by clicking on our official website: http://sihu74.com.


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