


全國服務(wù)熱線 15003810456


來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-09-29 16:40:34 關(guān)注: 0 次
標(biāo)簽: , , ,

Potassium hydroxide is a common substance in industry. Everyone knows that it has strong alkalinity and adsorption properties. So what is the strong alkalinity and adsorption of potassium hydroxide? Next, I'll give you a brief explanation.
Wastewater treatment is mainly based on its strong alkalinity and adsorbability. It is believed that people who know something about it basically know that it can react with various acids to produce oxygen and sodium ions. Most of the wastewater discharged by enterprises contains acidic substances. Mixing potassium hydroxide into the wastewater can neutralize these substances into a class that is not harmful to the environment. Material, this is the use of its strong alkalinity.
At the same time, it also has certain adsorbability. It is close to other kinds of particles and can adsorb some tiny particles in a short time. Naturally, it has some effect of pollution control. Although it can treat sewage, it can not remove all the pollution sources in sewage. It also needs to cooperate with other preparations and treatment equipment to achieve good decontamination.
You have learned the above about potassium hydroxide in strong alkalinity and adsorption, I believe you have a certain understanding, hope to help you, want to know more information, please continue to pay attention to us.


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