


全國服務(wù)熱線 15003810456


來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-10-11 03:40:34 關(guān)注: 0 次
標(biāo)簽: , , ,

  In the chemical industry, different products have different storage methods, because they have different characteristics and different requirements for storage environment, so the selection of storage containers should be very careful. Potassium hydroxide solution is a highly alkaline chemical, usually in glass bottles, but corks cannot be made of glass. So, what's the reason why it can't use frosted glass plug? The analysis is as follows.
  In a glass bottle, Koh is a strong alkali, just like a ground glass stopper. SiO2 exists in glass and reacts with KOH to form k2SiO3. But the response was slow. The inner part of the glass bottle is very smooth and the reaction is very slow, so basically there will not be too much reaction. However, because the mouth of the grinding bottle is rough, the contact area between the potassium hydroxide solution and the glass will increase, making the reaction faster. After k2SiO3 is generated, it will stick to the bottle mouth and cannot be opened. So use rubber plugs instead. In addition: even frosted holes will react very slowly and will not open for a month or two before being stuck. But no one uses the old potassium hydroxide solution, so the probability of adhesion is relatively large, so we use rubber plug instead.
  The above is the reason why potassium hydroxide can not use ground glass stopper, and also the reason why the stopper of potassium hydroxide needs to be replaced with rubber. I hope you can understand, so that you can choose the right cork in the future. Strong base is not only concerned about the details of storage containers and corks, but also about many other things we need to know.


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