


全國服務熱線 15003810456


來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-10-19 19:10:34 關注: 0 次
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  I think you have heard that sodium hydroxide can be used to remove many heavy oil substances when it is used, but actually we all know that sodium hydroxide itself is more alkaline when it is used, so when it is used, the damage to hands and other parts is more serious, and when it is used with potassium hydroxide oil remover, the same is true Sample will also have better but use effect,.
  1. During configuration, we need to prepare 850g of water to be injected into the oil removal tank for use, and then add the appropriate amount of potassium hydroxide, some sodium sulfate, sodium alginate and other substances into the tank in turn. After putting them into the tank, we can use the mixing device to mix them until they are even;
  2. Then prepare a plastic bucket separately, pour it into the water and additives, and mix them evenly until the substances in the bucket melt completely. Then pour the national ones in the plastic bucket into the oil removal pool just now, and make a usable oil removal agent;
  3. Most of the metals only need to be immersed in the degreaser for about 10 minutes when they are degreasing. If there is a heavy oil stain gently wiped, it can achieve a better degreasing effect, because in fact, some mechanical parts used in many industries will have heavy oil scale under the action of lubricating oil for a long time This kind of cleaning is also needed to ensure the good performance.
  When using potassium hydroxide with oil remover, the effect is usually very good, and because its alkalinity is not as strong as sodium hydroxide, the damage to hands is relatively small when using.


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