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來源:鄭州天順食品添加劑有限公司 發(fā)布時間:2022-11-08 21:15:34 關注: 0 次
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Most people have insufficient knowledge of alkali, so they are often afraid of using alkali to make soap, and then ignore the safety rules when using it. In fact, although alkali is a highly dangerous material, as long as it is a little careful, it can ensure the safety when making soap.
For example, we should first know that alkali is easily affected by moisture and easily combines with water to become a "strong alkali". Generally speaking, sodium hydroxide in dry solid state is not very dangerous, but it is easy to combine with water in the air (affected by moisture) to become a colorless and odorless strong alkali. At this time, it is a substance with strong corrosivity and is dangerous (so when DIY soap is made, don't put food on the work table, so as to avoid accidental eating of food stained with strong alkaline water).
Therefore, when storing potassium hydroxide, it must be ensured that it cannot be in contact with air. It is recommended to store it in a jar that is not easy to crack and can be sealed. After use, it must be sealed again quickly, so as to prevent the solid sodium hydroxide from combining with the water vapor in the air to become a harmful strong alkali. Sodium hydroxide containing water or in liquid will be left to form white powdery or blocky sodium hydroxide after the water volatilizes, and it should not be taken lightly, because these white powdery or blocky substances are still of strong alkaline nature, and they will be injured if they are exposed.
There are two kinds of alkali (sodium hydroxide) commonly used in hand soap. One is granular, which is abbreviated as granular alkali or pearl alkali. It is characterized by rapid melting, intense heat release, rapid temperature rise, easy dispersion and easy electrostatic adsorption; The other is flake alkali, massive, which melts slowly, releases heat slightly slowly, and heats up slowly. Both are OK, you can choose according to your own needs.
Alkali is a combination of many elements, which is neither pure nor stable, and often reacts with other elements or compounds. So if you have to use it, you need to make relevant preparations in advance, and come to the website for more matters http://sihu74.com Consult.


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